Wednesday 8 July 2015

How Harry Hopp lost his leg

Harry Hopp told me how he lost his leg but I’m not sure I believe him. He said there’d been a tremendous battle with Blackheart and he was fighting ten men at once and only noticed his leg had gone when he fell over.
Ned said that was rubbish. Harry had lost it when he was cutting his toenails with his cutlass. Then Captain Blade chipped in. He thought Harry had stepped in Peter’s stew when he’d had too much rum. Ben had heard Harry had lost his leg in a race against a shark. Charlie said they were all wrong. He’d been born with one leg and his mum had sent him to be a pirate where his pegleg would fit right in. Sinbad didn’t say anything. He just sharpened his claws on it.

What do you think, shipmates?


  1. i reckon he got his foot stuck in a clam shell and had to cut his leg off to get free

  2. he might have his real leg hidden and he wears a peg leg to look hard
